Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Gratuitous request for votes!!

ok...so im not too proud to ask for everyone to head over to the Houston Pres Music Awards Ballot and vote for my husbands band "La Sien"(#28) as well as for my husband "Dave Guitarza" for best bassist (#39). 
Even if you are not from Houston I would appreciate it!!
La Sien is a spanish rock band based in Houston, TX.  They have an great sound that anyone, regardless of language, can enjoy.  Please visit their website lasien.com and look them up on Facebook (there is facebook link on the site) for more info and to listen to their music.
These guys work so hard, invest so much time in effort into making awesome music....and I think they should be rewarded for it. 
I'm so proud of my hubs and the band...they are an inspiration and i wouldnt give up being a band wife for anything!!

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