Monday, August 23, 2010

t-shirt latch hook rug DIY

i found this weeks DIY on Xoelle (click to see directions) and just had to pass it on. i saw something similar at Urban Outfitters not that long ago and loved it....but not the price tag. im sure dave is going to cringe when he sees this...i can just hear him saying "...not another craft project." its true....hello my name is erin and im a arts and crafts junkie....and love every bit of it....tehehehe. i wont make this just yet dave....dont worry. but i will file it away in the "someday soon" folder.

she used 51 white t-shirts that she scavenged from her home and from thrift stores (im not sure how big her rug was but by the pictures it was a good size). i have all sorts of fun ideas flowing through my brain right now. for example, since the t-shirts are latch on in a grid you could take your favorite Minipop (like the beatles yellow submarine era) and translate it with t-shirt colors in your may not look super exact but i think that would be fun. you could also latch in differet materials here and there to create some interesting textures (like satin, tweeds, terry cloth, ribbon).

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